Thursday, May 15, 2008

His first game!

Well, the first time up to bat Ethan was so nervous and struck out but the 2nd time up to bat he hit the ball and he ran,ran,ran up the sideline right pass 1st base, not to 2nd base straight up the sideline to the end of the white line! It was so funny. The coach just had him go back to 1st since they didn't get him out even though he ran twice as far as he needed. Can't wait for the next game!
This pic is not of his game. I couldn't get any good pics.


Miller's said...

That is too cute. Ya got to love when they are at that age, its so much fun to watch. We should definitely do a game night and we could invite Jeff and Amy too, that would be fun. We love games!

Tinabean said...

He did so good I'm so glad we were there to watch him. The 1st base run was so funny he was so proud.
He's just so cute!!!