Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thank you

I forgot to thank my sister Tina for helping me, ok doing , the changes on my blog. She showed me how to do and change things like the music and background.


Tinabean said...

Hey sister your welcome anytime!!!
You need to go check out the post I did of my brothers last night you'll die laughing, well at least I died laughing of course it was like 1 or 1:30.

Jordan & Kara said...

Hey there!!! How did you find our blog?? I am glad you did though. I hope your interviews went good. I was nervous for ours too but then it turned out to be nothing at all. I hope that you guys get approved quick and that everything happens fast for you guys. Keep in touch!!!

Miller's said...

Your blog looks great! I might need Tina to assist me too. I get so bored with mine, I like changing it a lot.