Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ready or i quit!

You will never believe what I did yesterday..... I let my boss know that I've decided to be a stay at home mom after Christmas. WHAT HAVE I DONE!

No but really, you know how there are just somethings that you feel prompted to do even though you don't know how things will work out and you don't feel it is the right time? Yeah that's what Brett and I are going through right now about having me stay home that's why I'm giving myself till the end of the year so I can prepare for it. I love my job and I never thought in a million yrs the time would come.

I only work 20 hrs a week so it's not like a make a lot but I do help pay bills. When we told Ethan what we have decided I thought he was gong to cry he was so happy so that makes me feel good.

I could use all the support and advice I can get so if anyone has any advice PLEASE feel free to give it to me.


Miller's said...

Congrats! It is the best decision you will ever make, don't get me wrong you will have days that you will wonder what you were thinking. However, these days when they are still so little you will never get back so try and cherish everyday. I have days where I wish I could get out and work like once or twice a week just so I can get a break, but then when I really think about it it makes me sad. They grow up so fast and when they are grown they leave and you will have all the time in the world to work then. Plus you'll wish you could have these times back. Good luck!

Tinabean said...

OH I'm so excited!!!
Just imagine all the fun we can have together on play dates.
I absolutely LOVE being a SAHM it was the best decision I ever made.
I really hope I never have to go back to work I Love being home with the boys.
I can't imagine not being with them all day every day.
You will love it!!!

Coach B. said...

Ummmm....try not to go crazy!

You should come up to the studio now in the evenings to dance with me. It's my little hide out for stay at home moms. I love having those 3-4 hours at night to dance it off and get away.

Find a hobby (even if it's not dance) and go with it...relief society activities don't count :)