Sunday, July 20, 2008

I have been TAGGED!

Ok I have been tagged by my sis (who I thought loved me) so now you have to read 6 things about me. Hey I might even learn something about myself.

Here it goes:

1: I can't get enough of my two boys. Brett & Ethan

2: I didn't get my drivers licence till I was 17. I didn't care to have it.

3: Growing up I always wanted a sister. Never happened but my sisters-in-law make up for that. I love all of them.

4: When I was young my mom tried to get me on the city football team but at that time girls were not allowed to play.

5: I enjoy rollerskating with Ethan. My neighbors think I'm crazy.

6: My mom is my best friend, besides Brett. We DID NOT get along well at all when I was a teen. Never thought we would be so close. I love it.

1 comment:

Bonnie the Boss said...

That is a great list. Growing up I had a sister and we fought all the time. I worry though that my daughter doesn't have one.