Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Father & son

My little boy wanted to sleep out on the tramp the other night so my husband gathered up all their things they need for a camp out. Around 10:00 I looked out and and saw Ethan sleeping peacefully while Brett tried to get comfortable.
Remember the good old days when you sleep anywhere and not hurt in the morning. Yeah well those days are over. Ethan thought it was so cool to sleep on the tramp. He woke up around 3 am and said "dad this is so much fun". He is getting to the age to where he will remember all the fun things. We want to make life fun for him and when we get our new little one there will be so much more fun to have.

1 comment:

Tinabean said...

Oh you should have got pictures!!!
Brett is such an amazing dad I am so proud of him.
Ethan will have so many fond memories to look back on he is a lucky little man.