Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well as most of you know I have had about a million surgeries for my endo. Ok maybe not a million but I did have number 12 this last Tuesday. Hopefully this will work for us so we can have another baby but if not that's ok too cuz we are waiting for a special one to join our family rather it be through me or someone else. It doesn't matter to us. We will keep you posted on the adoption.


Tinabean said...

I had no idea you had another surgery, you need to tell me these things so I can help you out!!!
I hope everything went well & you are feeling ok.
Love Ya!

Miller's said...

I had no idea you were having surgery again, how are you feeling? If you need anything let me know, I am not too far from you.

Bonnie the Boss said...

Nikki I would like to bring dinner sometime this week. I would love to do it for you. When would be the best time? How are you feeling?