Thursday, September 4, 2008

Doctors, Doctors & more Doctors!!!!

Im sorry you all but I just need to vent. So I know Dr.s are good and all when you need them -sometimes- but I do get sick of seeing them on a regular basis. I had a check up today, that's all that was planned for Dr.s until around 4:00 pm I started getting Ethan ready for soccer and he said his head hurt. He has never complained of a head ache before so I told him maybe he should have some Tylenol before his game. He didn't want any so I didn't force it on him UNTIL he walked over to me and I could feel heat radiating off his body! Sure enough 103 for his temp. In about 5 min it went to 104.!
Called the Dr. They said strep is going around and he needed to be seen. OK, I take him in, no strep, just a virus that needs to run it's course but if he gets worse by tomorrow the Dr. wants to do blood work. Tylenol & Motrin every 4 hrs.
Well 3hrs after seeing the Dr. ( now the clinic is closed) still has a fever of 101.5 OK not too bad but 4 hrs after the Dr., right when he can have another dose temp of 104.8!!!!!!! OK something going on here! and he looks like death. Called a couple of friends who are nurses and both said to get him in right away. After hours is so much fun! More tests. Poor Kid! Everything came back neg. Now I'm not sure if that is good or not. Tell me what the heck is wrong with my little one and fix it. Not that easy but this other Dr. did put him on antibiotics just in case. I was happy with that.
3 Dr. visits all in one day. We are very exciting people who like to flush money down the toilet!!
Thanks for hanging in there with me through my crying session. I feel better now.
Hope you all had a better day.

By the way, the only reason he will take his med is so he can get better to play soccer. Sports on the brain 24/7 with that kid!


Tinabean said...

Oh poor Ethan!
I really hope he gets better soon & breaks that fever.
That high of a temp is nothing to mess around with.
I hate it when our little ones get sick.
Give him a big fat kiss from Aunt Teeny will ya!
Call me if you need me please!!!

Miller's said...

Oh poor kid! I get sick of doctors too. Mais had a small fever last night but seems better today, I'm hoping she isn't coming down with something. Who is he doc? Doctors really can be such a pain. Well I hope he gets feeling better!

Bonnie the Boss said...

Is he doing any better? I sure hope so. He is in our prayers, as are you.